Sauna Terms and Conditions | The Forge

The Forge Corwen

Sauna Terms and Conditions

Here are our Terms and Conditions for using the sauna at The Forge.

1. Use of the sauna is at your own risk. In the unlikely event that you develop a medical condition or experience severe side effects as a result of the use of the sauna we do not accept any responsibility.

2. Extreme caution must be exercised when walking around the sauna area as surfaces may be slippery. Please take particular care when getting into and out of the shower.

3. Do not use drugs or alcohol before or during sauna use.

4. Do not use our sauna if you suffer from any skin diseases, infectious diseases, or have any cuts and wounds.

5. Persons using medication should consult their doctor before using the sauna. Some medications may cause drowsiness. Do not use the facilities if your medication induces drowsiness, affects your heart rate, blood pressure or circulation.

6. Pregnant women, persons suffering from obesity, heart disease, low or high blood pressure, circulatory problems, or diabetes should consult a doctor before using the sauna.

7. You will be asked to complete a form about any medical conditions you may suffer from when you arrive.

8. Do not use the sauna after eating a heavy meal.

10. Do not use glasses or mugs in the sauna.

11. Please ensure you use the toilet and shower thoroughly to remove any excess oils or products before using the sauna.

12. Do not exceed 20mins in the sauna as too much heat exposure can lead to nausea, dizziness and fainting due to dehydration. Please ensure you drink plenty of water to rehydrate.

13. Smoking is not permitted in or around the sauna.

14. The Forge cannot accept any responsibility for loss of or damage to possessions whilst using the sauna. Cars are parked at the owners risk.

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